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Depression Therapy

Depression (major depressive disorder) is a common and serious medical illness that negatively affects how you feel, think, act, and perceive the world. Symptoms of depression symptoms can vary from mild to severe and can appear differently in each person.

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Signs of depression

Feeling sad, irritable, empty, and hopeless.

Losing interest or pleasure in activities you once enjoyed.

A significant change in appetite (eating much less or more than usual) and weight (notable loss or gain unrelated to dieting).

Sleeping too little or too much.

Feeling sad, irritable, empty, and hopeless.

Increase in purposeless physical activity (e.g., inability to sit still, pacing, hand-wringing) or slowed movements and speech that are enough to be observed by others.

Difficulty thinking or concentrating, forgetfulness, and difficulty making minor decisions

Thoughts of death, suicidal ideation, or suicide attempts.

Types of treatment that work for depression


Behavioral change


Neuromodulation, i.e. electrical, magnetic or other forms of energy to stimulate brain pathways.




Talk therapy

When to see a professional

It is important to see a healthcare professional as soon as you notice significant changes in your mood, difficulties in your work/school or home life, or if those close to you have commented about any concerning changes in your mood, personality and/or behavior. More serious symptoms, such as suicidal thinking.





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